Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Happy 6th Birthday (12-10-13) Casey Scott!!

I hate to admit it....but our baby little boy is growing up!!
How did he go from this...

To this....


In 6 short years??!!

Thank goodness he still hasn't outgrown his love for hugs & cuddles!  Mommy, Daddy, & Collin wouldn't know what to do without them :)

A letter to Casey on his 6th (& 1 day) birthday:
Happy 6th birthday to our little man, our monkey, Mommy's Baby, Daddy's Buster, Grandpa's Buddy, our little brother, our son.  The past 6 years have been a true joy to watch you grow from a small, sick little baby to a rough-and-tumble, healthy little boy.  So far you have proved every doctor wrong and overcome the obstacles that were set before you at birth.  Those scary days...thank goodness...are a thing of the past!  Nowadays we can't seem to keep up with you!  You LOVE to run, jump off furniture & stairs, build forts, wrestle with your daddy and big brother, play with your friends and cousins, ride along with Grandpa Doug in his "big truck" and with Grandpa Bob on his Gator, ride the go-cart with Corey, Elena, & Sydney, and you sometimes NEVER STOP TALKING!  We love that about you!  Your imagination and ability to tell a story is simply incredible (you get that from your Daddy)!  We also love when you do decide to settle down for a bit that you are always up for some cuddle time with the people who love you the most (us!). 
Thank you, Casey, for being YOU.....the silliest, smartest, sweetest, and most lovable 6 year this world has ever seen (at least since your big brother was 6)!
With all our love,
Daddy, Mommy & Collin
To read more about our quest to add Casey to our family and to learn about the first few months of his life, click here.


Monday, November 18, 2013

Big Buck Down

This past Saturday, November 16th, THIS happened...

That's right....Jason shot his first buck ever (a really nice 7 pointer) and Collin was along to experice it with his Dad!
Jason hasn't done a lot of hunting over the recent years, largely because he prefers to be at home with his family (Awww!!) but this year he was given the opportunity from a friend to hunt on his spot near Green Lake.  Soon after daylight broke, Jason and Collin saw this big guy walking across the field about 100 yards out.  One shot was all it took!  Jason was shaking from excitement and nerves, Collin was figeting because he wanted to go find it right away, and finally after an hour or so wait they trailed the deer and eventually found him.

Jay walked on cloud 9 the rest of the weekend!  He proudly showed off pics of his kill to anyone who would look!

Thank you Jason for providing our family with plenty of meat to last us a very long time.  But more importantly, thank you for sharing your passion of hunting and the outdoors with our sons.  Casey can't wait to join you and Collin on your hunts!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Happy 10th Birthday (11-13-13) Collin Jay

To our amazing son, Collin Jay.  Happy 10th Birthday, My Love!

Wow....a whole decade old!  It is so cliche but absolutely true...time has flown by!  Over the past 10 years, Collin, you have given so many people joy beyond measure.  You truly are a gift from God that we, as your parents, could not be more thankful for. 

We love how you love wholeheartedly, and it clearly shows in the way you are the best big brother Casey could have (not to mention how adored you are by your little "sisters" Piper & Bella).


You are a true friend to so many of your classmates, neighbors, and teammates.  You are a loving grandson, cousin, and nephew. 

And finally, you are simply the sweetest, kindest, funniest, cuddliest, most amazing son EVER!  Dad and I could not be more proud the young man you are becoming each day.


Keep up the hard work at school and on the football field.  I hope you know that Dad, Casey, and I as well as the rest of your family will always be there to cheer you on in whatever direction you take.

We love you to the ends of the world and back, Collin Jay!

Mom, Dad & Casey

From the Comfort of Home

If making it to the gym every morning or afternoon is stressing you out, try a few of the following tips for working out at home and let g...