Saturday, June 27, 2009

Summer Fun

As a family we love the weekends because it brings us all together. Sometimes it's just the four of use (plus our furry creatures) but more often then not we have a few guests over. But for tonight we were guest free. The agenda for the night -- grilled chicken & hamburgers, corn on the cob (a family fav), swinging in the hammock, and S'mores by the campfire :)

Today we had the opportunity to spend some time running errands (oh joy!); I even convinced Jason to take us to the mall :)

Earlier on this week (one of the days it was 90+ degrees) we enjoyed some time in the sprinklers.

I know I'm 6 days lates (oops!) but Happy Belated Father's Day to all of the men (and the women who play both roles) out there who make it their life's goal to be the best dad and partner they can be. To my dad, dad-in-law, and all my brothers -- you guys are awesome and you make the world a better place with the children you raise / have raised.

To my hubby and the best daddy ever, Jason: I love you more today than I ever thought possible because of the father you have become. Our boys are the sweet, loving, fun, intelligent, creative, and crazy boys they are because of you and the example you lead. Not only do you have an innate ability at being a great daddy, but you also have grown into this role by watching your own dad, grandpa, and brother and from trial and error. I am proud of you for learning from mistakes and constantly striving to do more, to be more. Collin & Casey have the best example to learn from; they are learning from a man who is not perfect but knows how to laugh at mistakes, make things right, and move forward in a best direction. Thank you for keeping all of us smiling and reminding me to not take life too seriously!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Casey N Mommy Time

Tonight was so awesome! Casey and I got some rare time together -- just the two of us! While Collin enjoyed a trip to a hotel to go swimming with his cousins (thanks Uncle Ben!) and Jason did some side work, Casey and I got some quality time together. We went on a "date" to Subway; picked up a few groceries at Meijer; took a bubble bath; and even had enough energy to play with Daddy and Uncle John when they arrived home to watch the Wings game (hopefully the game ends better than it's been going so far!).

Throughout the whole night I kept thinking to myself, "I am one lucky lady"! Casey is a true joy to have as a son. Whether he's flirting with everyone in the store, smashing a bag of chips between his hands, making kissy faces at me, splashing me in the tub, or snuggling in the recliner for his nighttime bottle....that boy breaks my heart! Thank you God for blessing me with the two most AMAZING little men!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Blogging For Beginners

The Dorman's have joined the world of blogging......Lord help us all! I can't guarantee that we'll be any good at it, or even if anyone will follow it, but I'm going to give it a shot anyway!

So what's happening in the Dorman household? A lot!! Jason has thankfully started a new job this week.....yippee! God has blessed him with a great opportunity to work for a local real estate development firm (Ben Muller Realty) as lead lawncare / snowplow "guru". So far Jay really likes his boss, co-workers, and the laid back atmosphere. I really like knowing he's going to get a paycheck in a few weeks ;) And when he's not working, playing with boys, or harassing me -- I'm sure he'll back at his newfound passion -- fishing!

Collin has just finished his first year of school. Can you believe it??!! We could not be more proud of the amazing little boy he has become. He is smart, creative, honest (mostly!), funny, sensitive, and social (maybe a little too social at times.....just like his Daddy was in school!). We just got his final report card for the year and his teacher did nothing but sing his praises!

Collin is also just about to finish up his first year in t-ball. We've had a lot of fun this year coaching (Jay) and organizing (me, of course) his team. The boys are all smart, funny, and have really fine-tuned their t-ball skills! I'd watch out for team Fast Track Appraisals if I were you ;)

And what about Casey? Well, we still lovingly refer to him as our "Naughty Boy"! Everyone who knows him knows that he has a HUGE personality! He's crazy, intuitive, curious, brave, stubborn, and can charm the pants off just about anyone! He loves wrestling with his daddy, big brother, and two brown dogs (although one of them does not love wrestling with him). He will eagerly crawl up on your lap for a cuddle, especially if his favorite Veggie Tales movie is on. He also loves crawling into the dishwasher and dryer, but we try to limit those types of activities ;)

So that's about it. We're going to attempt to regain some peace in the house now that Jay has been blessed with a good job and school is out for the summer. We're anxiously awaiting our annual vacation at Little Eden......our favorite place to go as a family!

Many blessings to you all.

Angie (Jason, Collin & Casey too)

From the Comfort of Home

If making it to the gym every morning or afternoon is stressing you out, try a few of the following tips for working out at home and let g...