Sunday, January 7, 2018

From the Comfort of Home

If making it to the gym every morning or afternoon is stressing you out, try a few of the following tips for working out at home and let go of that stress!

Whether you choose to workout from home because the gym is too far from home, you have young kids at home, your local gym is too pricey, or you just don't feel comfortable at the gym, a home workout can be just as effective as any gym workout!

By following a few of these tips for working out at home, you can fit in a great workout at any time of the day!

  1. The No. 1 most important thing you can do is find a routine you're actually going to enjoy doing at home. Thanks to technology, you have access to an endless amount of at-home exercise options. Take a moment, think about what types of activities you enjoy, and then do some research. From fitness apps and websites (like Beachbody on Demand) that transform your phone, tablet, TV, or laptop into a personal trainer to live stream videos that turn your living room into a fitness studio, there are plenty of ways to get guidance, motivation, and variety.
  2. Make a plan, set your alarm, and set out your clothes the night before.  Know what the next day’s workout is going to be and make it an appointment with yourself.  Don’t treat it as an optionable agenda item; it’s a date!
  3. Set up your workout space and get some basic equipment: free weights, resistance bands, mats, foam rollers, etc.  Don’t have much space?  Keep that in mind when choosing your workout routine.  There are plenty of options that don’t require much equipment or space!
  4. Go public with it!  Share your experience with family and friends.  Studies show when you share your progress and accomplishments, you’ll build a small group of cheerleaders, and you can tap into that satisfied feeling the next time you’re on the fence about working out.

The Bottom Line:


The best way to motivate yourself to work out at home is to find a routine you truly enjoy, so your at-home workout doesn't feel like work. Then, control as many factors as you can to set yourself up for success and make it a habit. Sure, the couch looks damn good when you come home after a long day, but sinking into it will feel so much better after you've earned it.

Tuesday, January 2, 2018


As 2017 comes to an end and we welcome in a New Year, I've decided that I will Embrace 2018.

According to Mr. Webster, the definition of embrace is "To accept someone or something readily or gladly".  Another source defined it as "To accept (an opportunity, challenge, etc) willingly or eagerly".

I'm choosing to embrace 2018 in all its glory -- the good, the bad, the great, the not-so-great.

I'm going to embrace the chance to draw closer to God, to re-establish habits that draw me nearer to Him, allowing me to give up myself and give it all to Him.  I will embrace the unknown, the uncertain.  This one....THIS is hard for me!

I'm going to embrace the chance to improve myself physically and mentally.  I have set some goals, made some plans, and I have to put action behind them.

I'm going to embrace the joys and challenges that come with raising two wild, crazy, unique-unto-themselves, sons.  This one....THIS is my greatest honor!

I'm going to embrace the 17th year of marriage to the love of my life!  To have and to hold, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health. This one....THIS is my greatest pleasure!

I'm going to embrace the chance to grow in my professional career.  I started a new job mid-way through 2017.  I love the position, the company, my teammates, and I'm excited to see what another year of experience and opportunity will look like!

I'm going to embrace the need to be courageous and to step out of my comfort zone as I strive to develop my health and wellness coaching opportunities. This starts right away!  Early in 2018 I will take two training courses that will certify me capable of teaching group fitness classes.  How exciting....And SCARY!

What about you?  How are you choosing to accept 2018 in to your life?

May I suggest that you embrace it!

Monday, January 1, 2018

Ringing in 2018 With a Stepped-Up Meal Plan

Happy New Year!

As we ring in 2018, our family has decided to step up our family dinner meal plan game.  Let's be honest...sometimes we're better at this than others.  Some weeks we go all in: dig up new recipes to try, make our grocery list, head to the store, and then prep away!  Other weeks we rely solely on the frozen freezer meals we've prepped ahead of time, and we get plenty use of our crockpot.

Keep in mind....there's nothing wrong with this!  We've done the work ahead of time and it's for this exact reason: so that we have the option of simply pulling a meal from the freezer the night before, letting it thaw in the fridge over night, and dropping it in the crock pot before work the next morning. can only eat crock pot meals for so many nights in a row before you are bored out of your mind.  

Don't get bored!  This leads to straying from your meal plan, splurging and getting takeout, and potentially blowing your food budget and a few buttons on your clothes.

I encourage you to come along with us as we commit to 2018 being the healthiest year yet...starting with a delicious, budget friendly family meal plan!

We made our meal plan looking ahead at things like work schedules, school and sports for the boys, as well as the freshness of groceries we purchased on the weekend.  While Jason is grilling the steak for Monday's dinner, he'll also grill chicken breasts that we'll use for lunches as well as Thursday night's chicken and broccoli casserole.

For more tips on meal planning and prepping, check out this blog post.

Check out some of the recipes we'll be using here:

May you and your family be blessed throughout all of 2018!

With love,
Jason, Angie, Collin, & Casey

From the Comfort of Home

If making it to the gym every morning or afternoon is stressing you out, try a few of the following tips for working out at home and let g...