Saturday, December 30, 2017

Meal Prep 101

Easy Meal Prep Tips

Wouldn’t it be nice if all you had to do was open your refrigerator, freezer, or pantry to find a
week full of healthy, delicious food that’s prepped and ready to be eaten?  
Wouldn’t that make sticking to your diet and achieving your weight loss goals a lot easier?
Meal prep is KEY to setting your week up for success!

The idea is to prepare as much of your meals -- including snacks -- on the weekend, leaving you
little to do during the week.  

By following these steps you will save yourself time -- not to mention the headache -- of figuring what to eat throughout the week.  In addition you also set yourself up for a successful week of eating healthy, tasty food.  You’ll be on track to meet your health and fitness goals!

Here’s my 5 Step Meal Prep Guide to make your next food prep week really simple:

Step One: Planning

Let’s get this started!  Are you an old-school type of note taker?  Get out some paper and a
pen. Better yet, buy a cheap spiral bound notebook/journal that you’ll dedicate to weekly meal
planning and making notes of future recipes, websites, or cookbooks you want to check out.  
Are you more of a new-school note taker?  Open up a blank note on your computer, tablet, or
mobile device.  

Here are the questions that you’ll need to answer:

1. How many meals do I need each day?
Check your calendar for special events
Consider your appetite throughout the day
Will meals be repeated throughout the week?

2. How many servings do I need for each meal?
Consider who in the family needs which meals
Check the calendar for guests or visitors

3. Do I have meals that are already prepped and stored in the freezer?
Freezer meal prep sessions are a HUGE lifesaver for me and my family.  Spend a good part
of one weekend preparing meals that can be frozen and stored for months to come. Enlist
the whole family to help. Trust me -- you won't regret doing this!!

Step Two: Choose Your Recipes

Now it’s time to convert those meals & serving size needs into actual recipes.  Consider
produce in season, special requests or food allergies, and take a look at your grocery store’s
weekly ad to check out their sales.

1. Find your recipes
Browse your favorite recipe sites; check out FB and Pinterest
Pull out your favorite cookbooks
Find your family favorite recipes

2. Focus on a core group of ingredients
Plan recipes that use similar ingredients
Again, consider what is in season and/or on sale
Consider a membership to Costco, Sam’s Club or a similar store

3. Calculate leftover meals
Making enough of some recipes for leftover meals saves time
Is your meal freezable?  If it is consider making a double batch -- one for this week and one
to be frozen and used in the future

4. Consider snacks needed for the week
Who in the family will need what/how many snacks for the week
Take a look at what you already have on hand

5. Make your recipe list
Narrow down the exact list of recipes for the week

Step Three: Make Your Grocery List

Take your list of recipes and snacks needed for the week and create a grocery list. A few
things to keep in mind…

1. Pay attention to recipes that you’ll double or triple
Make sure to include all the ingredients you will need and calculate quantities needed

2. Organize your list into these convenient sections:
Pantry Items

3. Check your pantry for items that you already have
Save money by using up items you already have.

Step Four: Go Shopping

Before you head to the store(s) make sure your list is organized (as described above) and
according to the layout of your local store.  This saves time -- no backtracking necessary!
Check off items on your list as you put them in your basket.

Step Five: Food Prep

Types of Food Prep

1.  Some meals can be made in their entirety and stored in the fridge for a day or two.  Make
sure your meal plan includes eating these meals early in the week.

2. Meal prep for some of your recipes may just include washing produce, chopping, measuring,
and organizing ingredients.

3. Bulk prep when possible
Get out the grill and cook chicken, pork, and steak to be used in various meals throughout
the week.
Steam or roast veggies in batches large enough to meet a few days needs
Prep produce by washing, cutting, and storing them in appropriate proportions
Measure out dry goods (dried fruit, whole grain crackers, nuts, etc) and store in “Ziploc” bags
or “Tupperware” containers
Bonus Tip -- keep healthy, portion controlled snacks within easy reach in your pantry,
countertop, or refrigerator

Getting into the habit of prepping your meals for the week is a surefire way to accelerate your weight loss, break poor eating habits, and alleviate stress and anxiety throughout the week.

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